lunes, 3 de marzo de 2014

Stand on the edge... and jump

I am afraid, you know? Afraid of a lot of things. And it gets tiresome to be cautious all the time. I would love to just let go, be careless, destructive. Live fully, be hurt, suffer. Be mindless. I don't care. Throw everything away. And then end up in a dark pit, who cares? I would have enjoyed being at the brightest, highest top.

It's a shame that I have to stop so other people don't get hurt. Otherwise, I would jump this mile long jump, enjoying the wind, the speed, the fall. Crashing at the bottom, butchered into a thousand useless pieces.

lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014


Para los lloricas de la "friendzone". No lo podría haber expresado mejor.


"Perhaps you need a crash course in taking hints.  Here's your first lesson: We're not actually walking somewhere together; I'm trying to leave this conversation and you're following me."

-Las mujeres dicen que quieren chicos buenos, pero lo que realmente quieren es...-
-¿Tíos que respondan a su rechazo ninguneando su juicio y la conciencia de sí mismas? Si es así, no te preocupes, estarás bien.

"Quizá necesitas un curso introductorio en pillar indirectas. Aquí está tu primera lección. No estamos realmente andando juntos a ningún sitio; estoy intentando irme de esta conversación y me estás siguiendo."

Si no conocíais ya xkcd, entrad. YA.